My Koinup gallery

Lobo, estas ahi?

| 23/1/11

 Jugaremos en el bosque.. 

mientras el lobo no esta...

Ya que si el lobo aparece...

A todos nos comera... 


Lisbeth Salander in SecondLife

| 21/1/11

Im so in love with Millenium Trilogy.. and so much more in love with Lisbeth Salander character played by sweden actress Noomi Salander...

The movies are based in the books by Stieg Larsson, Im starting to read the books thanks to the films so take your chance to do it.

For this SL project, I tried to make how Noomi-Lisbeth will look in SL. So, first here is Noomi as Lisbeth:

(click to enlarge pictures)

And this is how I represented her in secondlife:

The skin name is Faye, gothic version, wich is from ::Guarded Cross:: by Ryosukito Felisimo, He has really cool items and this skin is really cool .. and I have to admit that thanks to that, I had the idea of try to recreate Lisbeth in world.... the rest of the items I really dont remember where I bought or took them.. its a mix of freebies and paid stuff.. but this isnt a sl fashion blog lol.. but if you want to know something specific, feel free to ask.. I will check it inworld...

Dont forget to visit my Koinup Gallery, Link is on top :)

Second Life of fαяαвєuf

| 17/1/11

About this blog:

This blog will show my SL views, I only spend time in SL to explore sims and in the meantime if it comes, talk with people from other countries. Also that will help me to improve my english skills. I use Kirstens Viewer and Viewer 2.0 (Im not very comfy with Phoenix no matter what they say) so i dont get too involved into this subject. I enjoy playing with enviroments, settings, lights, water and everything of setup, and thanks to that I love taking snap shots of things and places I most enjoy.

This is absolutely NOT a fashion SL blog. Sometimes I dont even care what my avie is wearing or if Im "trendy" or not. My Avie is a character only, I started to make it so similar to my RL but you know, SL is so much better always!! But that changed, now my Avie is only a character wich I will change it depending to my projects or thoughts, at the end she is only a part of my artistic projects.

If you want to improve my images with your photoshop skills, you can do it, but be polite and tell me :)

About me:

fαяαвєuf is about pixels and virtual stuff. nothing more.  Everybody has the option to make their SL like they want. I choosed the simply way. Figure wich one is it. 

So welcome and enjoy!


virtual perfection

Mi foto
Second Life, Linden Labs
im just an avatar, with pixelated feelings. dont mix me with real life.
Con la tecnología de Blogger.